I am validating a design in vhdl with systemverilog (not UVM) Currently I have a wrapper for the DUT and a test connected with interfaces, right now I need to validate the post synthesis simulation model and the post place and route simulation model of the same design.
I use conditional compilation to compile the test depending on the used DUT. The code of the test is the following:
begin : resource_1
`ifdef functional
@(posedge dut.window.theVI.ViControlx.tDiagramEnableIn); //Wait for a dut signal
`elsif synthesis
@(posedge dut.window_theVI_ViControlx_EnableInBlk_tEnableInLoc_18346); //Wait for a dut signal
`elsif par
end : resource_1
I want to avoid using conditional compilation in the test, making these signals as generic and assigning them in an external file (with conditional compilation). Is this possible? Thanks