Generate generic signals for different dut in the same test

I am validating a design in vhdl with systemverilog (not UVM) Currently I have a wrapper for the DUT and a test connected with interfaces, right now I need to validate the post synthesis simulation model and the post place and route simulation model of the same design.

I use conditional compilation to compile the test depending on the used DUT. The code of the test is the following:

 begin : resource_1
  `ifdef functional
     @(posedge dut.window.theVI.ViControlx.tDiagramEnableIn); //Wait for a dut signal
  `elsif synthesis
     @(posedge dut.window_theVI_ViControlx_EnableInBlk_tEnableInLoc_18346);  //Wait for a dut signal
  `elsif par
 end  : resource_1

I want to avoid using conditional compilation in the test, making these signals as generic and assigning them in an external file (with conditional compilation). Is this possible? Thanks

In reply to igsiguero:

It is not clear why you want to do this, but you can certainly use a macro that is defined in an external file that has the conditional compilation in it.

external file:

`ifdef functional
  `define d_wait @(posedge dut.window.theVI.ViControlx.tDiagramEnableIn); //Wait for a dut signal
`elsif synthesis
  `define d_wait @(posedge dut.window_theVI_ViControlx_EnableInBlk_tEnableInLoc_18346);  //Wait for a dut signal
`elsif par
  `define d_wait

test code:

begin : resource_1
end  : resource_1

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you Dave, worked fine for me. I wanted it to make the test code more readable.