Enumarated data types

what is the meaning of enumarated data types and when to use it

In reply to Shivansh Bhardwaj:

In reply to Shivansh Bhardwaj:
See 1800’2017 6.19 Enumerations
The bottom line: It make the code mode readable. For example:

typedef enum {NOP, ADD, SUB, MULT, JMP, MOV, READ, WRITE, IDLE} instr_e;
typedef enum {FETCH, DECODE, EXECUTE}  mode_e;
typedef enum {PC, IR1, IR2, REGA, REGB, MAR, REG_FILE, STK} resource_e;
instr_e instr; 
if(instr==READ) ...

// You can assign values to these elements 
// The values can be cast to integer types and increment from an initial value of 0. This can be overridden.
enum {bronze=3, silver, gold} medal; // silver=4, gold=5

Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us
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In reply to Shivansh Bhardwaj:

typedef enum{OKAY,BUSY,SPLIT,RETRY}resp_e
To indicate the different responses of protocols Ex:AHB