Doubt on multi threaded assertions

I have a property as shown below,

    ap_basic1 : assert property (@(posedge clk)
                a ##1 (b[=2]) |=> c);

I understand that the antecedent in this case is multi threaded and all threads should finish in order for the property to PASS.

But following waveforms indicates failures,

Please help me understand,
How many threads are forked off by the antecedent here?
Will this property ever PASS?

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the link. I think it explains the situation well. But on further experimentation with multiple threads, .ended and first_match constructs, I have a doubt which I tried to explain below,

   sequence s_basic2 ;
        a ##[2:4] b;
    ap_basic2 : assert property (@(posedge clk)
                s_basic2 |=> c);
    ap_basic3 : assert property (@(posedge clk)
                s_basic2.ended |=> c);
    ap_basic4 : assert property (@(posedge clk)
                first_match(s_basic2) |=> c);

A sample waveform is shown below,

Here I would think that the ap_basic2 would behave similar to basic3, because there will be multiple threads forked off by a ##[2:4] b in the antecedent and failure should be flagged for each of these.
So I’m not sure why ap_basic2 goes inactive at 290ns, which I would expect a first_match to do.

  1. .ended is deprecated. Use .triggered
  2. the s_basic2.triggered will has 3 endpoints if all the threads are a match
  3. first_match(s_basic2) with have the first matched thread of ; i.e., ONE match
    Thus, ap_basic2 would not behave similar to basic3
    Ben Cohen
    Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.