Creating an assertion to verify that a change in one signal corresponds to the posedge of another


What I’m trying to do is essentially verify that the input port of some module is driven by the correct clock domain. To check this, I want to write an assertion that looks sort of like this:

@(input_signal) |-> @(posedge clk)

In order to verify that any change in input_signal happens only on posedge of a given clock. To the best of my knowledge, it isn’t possible in SystemVerilog. Is there a way to implement this sort of functionality in an assertion (or via some other tool)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

I took 2 approaches,explore these solutions and get back to us.

It provides error counters or a pass counter for each edge of sig1.

/* What I'm trying to do is essentially verify that the input port of some module
 is driven by the correct clock domain. To check this,
 I want to write an assertion that looks sort of like this:
@(input_signal) |-> @(posedge clk)
In order to verify that any change in input_signal
 happens only on posedge of a given clock. To the best of my knowledge,
  it isn't possible in SystemVerilog. Is there a way to implement
   this sort of functionality in an assertion (or via some other tool)?

module top;
  bit clk, sig1, dis, reset_n=1; 
  int err1, err2, ok2, debug2, tfire;
 // always @(sig1)  // approavh 1 
 //   assert final($past(sig1,1,1, @(posedge clk)) != sig1) else 
 //     err1=err1+1;
   function void f; err1=err1+1; endfunction
  always @(sig1)   // approach 1, value based 
       #1 // needed for the $past
        assert ($past(sig1,1,1, @(posedge clk)) != sig1) else f(); 

  task automatic t_stable(); // 
     realtime t; 
     t=$realtime; // new sig1 change after posedge clk 
     //#1; // debug2=debug2+1; // debug
    @(posedge clk)  debug2=debug2+1;
    assert($realtime - t <= 21ns && 
                               $realtime -t >= 20ns) ok2=ok2+1; 
                 else err2=err2+1; 

  always @(sig1) begin 
    fork t_stable(); join_none; // time based

  initial forever #10 clk = !clk;
  initial begin
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
    #5 sig1 = 1; 
    @(posedge clk) sig1<= !sig1;
    #3 sig1 <= !sig1; 
    @(posedge clk) sig1<= !sig1;
    @(posedge clk) sig1<= !sig1;
    #8 sig1 <= !sig1;
    repeat(4)  @(posedge clk) sig1<= !sig1;
    #20 $finish(); 

Ben Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.

or Cohen_Links_to_papers_books - Google Docs

Getting started with verification with SystemVerilog

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The assertion with the task could have been written as

property p_dfromclk; 
 realtime t;
 @(sig1) (1, t=$realtime) ##1
 @(posedge clk) $realtime -t <= 21ns && 
 $realtime -t >= 20ns;
 ap_dfromclk: assert property(p_dfromclk) ok3=ok3+1; 
 else err3=err3+1;

The reason I initially wrote it with the task is because that’s how I saw it: at the leading clocking event (the @(sig1) I fire an automatic task that has a life of its own. This is explained in my paper "Understanding the SVA Engine Using the Fork-Join Model
Verification Horizons - July 2020 | Verification Academy
Using a model, the paper addresses important concepts about attempts and threads. Emphasizes the total independence of attempts.
You should read this paper if you want to relly understand a good modeling of assertions.
The updated model with this new property is at (4) - EDA Playground
The simulation results are at

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This diagram explains why we need the #1 in

function void f; err1=err1+1; endfunction
 always @(sig1)  // approach 1, value based 
 #1 // Needed for the $past of the posedge of clk just prior
 assert ($past(sig1,1,1, @(posedge clk)) != sig1) else f();

Thanks Ben, I appreciate the answer. I figured that at the very least I could use $realtime, but your solution was more elegant than what I hacked together.