I wish to randomize an unpacked array so that its values are 0, 1, 2, 3, with the values 1, 2, 3 appearing once each, and the rest of the entries are 0.
Is this possible with inline constraints without a 2 step randomization?
here’s an attempt which is met with compilation errors
class some_object extends uvm_object;
rand bit [1:0] arr[6];
constraint the_constraint_c{
arr.find(item) with (item == 2'b00) == {2'b00, 2'b00, 2'b00};
arr.find(item) with (item == 2'b01) == {2'b01};
arr.find(item) with (item == 2'b10) == {2'b10};
arr.find(item) with (item == 2'b11) == {2'b11};
function new(string name = "some_object");
endclass: some_object
Error-[NYI-CSTR-SYS-FTC] NYI constraint: sys function calls
testbench.sv, 26
the_pkg, “this.arr.find(item) with ((item == 2’b0))”
System function calls are not yet implemented in constraints.
Remove the function call or if possible replace it with an integral state
variable assigned in pre_randomize().
Error-[IAAC] Illegal arguments in comparison
testbench.sv, 26
the_pkg, “(this.arr.find(item) with ((item == 2’b0)) == {2’b0, 2’b0, 2’b0})”
Illegal aggregate comparison because arrays to be compared must have
identical packed/unpacked dimensions.
You cannot have expressions containing unpacked arrays unless you use a foreach loop or a reduction method.
class some_object extends uvm_object;
rand bit [1:0] arr[6];
constraint the_constraint_c{
arr.sum() with {int'(item==1)) == 1;
arr.sum() with {int'(item==2)) == 1;
arr.sum() with {int'(item==3)) == 1;
function new(string name = "some_object");
endclass: some_object
I am constraining the sum of the number of times each elements equals 1,2, or 3 to be 1.
I don’t want to open a new thread because it is very similar to this one.
I have a situation where one element (or more) has to be of specific value (19).
I tried your solution but I don’t get good results. I don’t get any element with specified value, more like normal randomization.
rand int max_def[];
rand int max_nesting_depth; // randomized to 19
rand bit force_max_nesting_depth; // randomized to 1
if (force_max_nesting_depth) {
max_def.sum() with (int'(item == max_nesting_depth)) == 1;
I have other constraints for max_def, but randomization should fail if there is no solution to randomization.
Hard to say what might be wrong without a more complete example. If force_max_nesting_depth is being set to 1, I don’t know how it would not work unless you have not proper typed in the constraint.
The following works for me.
class A;
rand int max_def[] = new[10];
rand int max_nesting_depth; // randomized to 19
rand bit force_max_nesting_depth; // randomized to 1
constraint c{
max_nesting_depth == 19;
force_max_nesting_depth == 1;
if (force_max_nesting_depth) {
max_def.sum() with (int'(item == max_nesting_depth)) == 1;
module top;
A a = new;
initial begin
foreach(a.max_def[i]) $write(a.max_def[i],);
You are correct! I made a stupid typo and didn’t randomize force_max_nesting_depth to 1.
It works now.
Thanks for the help.
P.S. I learned a lot from you on this forum thought the years.