Compilation error cause by testbench package

In reply to Richard Hamer (EnSilica):


The SPB agent is very simple. It builds and connects components as required depending on the active or passive bit set in the agent configuration. The code is shown below:

//Start Of Class
class spb_agent extends uvm_agent;

    //Class Data Members
    spb_monitor         spb_mon     ;       //Handle to SPB monitor
    spb_driver          spb_drv     ;       //Handle to SPB driver
    spb_sequencer       spb_sqr     ;       //Handle to SPB sequencer
    spb_agent_config    spb_ag_cfg  ;       //Handle to agent configuration
    virtual spb_if      spb_vif     ;       //Handle to virtual interface

    uvm_active_passive_enum spb_active;     //Controls whether SPB agent is active or passive, overwrite in config

    uvm_analysis_port #(spb_data_item) spb_ag_port;    //Agent Port

    //Automate frequently used methods, e.g get_full_name(), copy(), compare() etc.
    //Fields set here can be adapted higher in the environment hierarchy
    `uvm_component_utils_begin (spb_agent)
        //`uvm_field_object (spb_mon,     UVM_ALL_ON)
        //`uvm_field_object (spb_drv,     UVM_ALL_ON)
        //`uvm_field_object (spb_sqr,     UVM_ALL_ON)
        //`uvm_field_object (spb_ag_cfg,  UVM_ALL_ON)
        `uvm_field_enum (uvm_active_passive_enum, spb_active, UVM_ALL_ON)

    //Standard constructor for agent
    function new (string name = "spb_agent", uvm_component parent);, parent);

    //Build interface, agent configuration and agent components depending on whether agent is set to be 
    //active or passive.  Create agent port using the new() method
    function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);
        super.build_phase (phase);

        //Create the agent port
        spb_ag_port = new("spb_ag_port", this);

        //Retrieve agent configuration from the database
        if (!uvm_config_db #(spb_agent_config)::get(this, "", "spb_agent_config", spb_ag_cfg)) begin
            `uvm_fatal ("AGT_CFG", "SPB Agent Config Not Found")

        //Create config if it doesn't exist
        if (spb_ag_cfg == null) begin
            spb_ag_cfg = spb_agent_config::type_id::create("spb_agent_config", this);

        //Retrieve interface from the database
        if (!uvm_config_db#(virtual spb_if)::get(this, "", "spb_vif", spb_vif)) begin
            `uvm_fatal ("AGT_NOVIF", "Could not get virtual interface from database.")

        //Create a driver and a sequencer if agent is active
        if (spb_ag_cfg.spb_active == UVM_ACTIVE) begin
            spb_drv     = spb_driver::type_id::create("spb_drv", this);
            spb_sqr     = spb_sequencer::type_id::create("spb_sqr", this);

        //Monitor created whether active or passive configuration
        spb_mon     = spb_monitor::type_id::create("spb_mon", this);
        `uvm_info ("SPB_AG_BUILD", "SPB Agent Build Phase Complete", UVM_LOW)

     endfunction : build_phase

    //Connect driver response port to sequencer if the agent is configured to require such a connection.
    //Connect driver port to the sequencer if the agent is in active configuration
    function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
        super.connect_phase (phase);

        //If the spb agent is active connect the driver to the sequencer 
        if (spb_ag_cfg.spb_active == UVM_ACTIVE) begin
           //If the driver has to send a response back to sequencer
           if (spb_ag_cfg.spb_has_rsp != 0) begin
               `uvm_info ("SPB_AG_CONNECT", "Active SPB Agent Requires Response port", UVM_LOW)
           //Connect driver to sequencer
           `uvm_info ("SPB_AG_CONNECT", "Active SPB Agent::Driver Connected to Sequencer", UVM_LOW)
        else begin
            `uvm_info ("SPB_AG_CONNECT", "Passive SPB Agent::No Connections", UVM_LOW)

    endfunction : connect_phase

endclass  spb_agent
//End Of Class