In reply to markylew:
The syntax for a sequence is
sequence_expr ::=
| (sequence_expr {, sequence_match_item}) [sequence_abbrev]
// For example,
(ack, v_data=data, v_ir=ir)[*2]
// in the above case,
(ack // is the (sequence_expr
, v_data=data, v_ir=ir) // is the sequence_match_item
[*2] // is the [sequence_abbrev]
// in (ack, v_data=data, v_ir=ir)[*2]
// If ack==true (i.e., evaluates to not zero (e.g., 1) then
// v_data=data, v_ir=ir) is evaluated and that sequence is repeated twice,
// being re-evaluted at every cycle.
// If ack==0, the sequence (of one term in this case) is false.
// in (1,temp = $realtime)
// the "1" is the sequence_expr, and since I always want that to be true, I use "1" instead
// of Variable BBECUSE I WANT temp = $realtime
Ben Cohen
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