In reply to E_R_R:
You could try something like the following:
/* The change of sig would be caused only by the change in the rst signal.
Thus, in a perfect world they would happen simultaneously.
sig should only be able to change when rst does, but should be stable at all other times. */
// if(change in rst) then a change is sig is possible
// if(change in sig) && (no change in rst) then illegal
module m;
bit sig, rst;
bit sig_stretch, rst_stretch; // support
always @(rst) begin
#1 rst_stretch =1;
#1 rst_stretch =0; // need to tune this number. maybe #2 or #3
always @(sig) begin
#1 sig_stretch =1;
#1 sig_stretch =0;
am_sig: assert #0 (!(sig_stretch && !rst_stretch)); // no sig change when no rst
Let me know if this is working for you or how you modified this.
Ben Cohen
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Getting started with verification with SystemVerilog