Assertions to check parameters

I have two top level parameters in my module WIDTH and HEIGHT.
The use case of this module is such that WIDTH should always be less than HEIGHT.
is it possible to write an system verilog assertion just to check if this condition is always satisfied? should I use concurrent assertions or immediate assertions? is this(using sva) the best way to do it?

In reply to svishnu:

I have two top level parameters in my module WIDTH and HEIGHT.
The use case of this module is such that WIDTH should always be less than HEIGHT.
is it possible to write an system verilog assertion just to check if this condition is always satisfied? should I use concurrent assertions or immediate assertions? is this(using sva) the best way to do it?

I would write something like the following since parameters are evaluated at elaboration time, and remain unchanged throughout the simulation.

module m #(WIDTH=3, HEIGHT=2) (input bit a);
   ap_wh: assert(WIDTH < HEIGHT); 
"", 5: m.ap_wh: started at 0ns failed at 0ns
	Offending '(WIDTH < HEIGHT)'

Ben Cohen

In reply to

I would write an if outside of any initial block, since this is evaluated during elaboration and this can stop a compile in case of an error:

module some_module();
  // ...

  if (WIDTH >= HEIGHT)
    $error($sformatf("Illegal values for parameters WIDTH (%0d) and HEIGHT (%0d)", WIDTH, HEIGHT));

The if is actually a generate block, which will get elaborated only in case of a wrong parametrization. The standard allows $error(…) as elaboration severity messages (i.e.e outside of procedural code). You don’t actually need an assertion here, as you’re not checking any DUT behavior.