Initializing a multidimensional associative array


How do I initialize a multidimensional associative array.
string ARY[string][string];
ARY[“A”][“0”] = “abc”;
ARY[“A”][“1”] = “def”;
ARY[“B”][“0”] = “ghi”;

I tried doing like this
string ARY[string][string] = {“A”:“0”:“abc”,“A”:“1”:“def”,“B”:“0”:“ghi”};
But it is not compiling

Please suggest the proper way to do it

Two things you need to do:

  1. The index:value syntax is an assignment pattern, so you must use '{index:value}, so it does not look like a concatenation.
  2. Each dimension of an array has to be properly nested
string ARY[string][string] = '{"A":'{"0":"abc", "1":"def"}, "B":'{"0":"ghi"}};

If ordering your array elements this way does not make sense for your situation, then an assignment for each individual element might be the most readable.

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

How to assign or drive associative array elements?
My requirement is :

int arry[string];
wire penable_0, penable_1; //Assume drivers on these wires are present and their value will be either 0 or 1
arry[“a”] = penable_0;
arry[“b”] = penable_1;

I want continuous assignment on “a” and “b”.

Is there a way to do it?

In reply to tomrohit:

SystemVerilog does not allow continuous assignments statements that include reference to dynamic elements, but you can get around this restriction by using a procedural block like

always @* arry["a"] = penable_0;
initial forever @* arry["b"] = penable_1;

In reply to dave_59:

Ah yes, perfect!


In reply to tomrohit:

Hi Dave,

In continuation to the previous post, i tried using always @* arry[“a”] = penable_0;
My question this time is related to how assertions will sample this arry value.

penable_0 is driven on posedge clk in DUT.
I have an assertion module which is sampling arry[string] values and that too on same clk.

property xyz;
@(posedge clk)
arry[“a”] |-> (arry_1[“v”] == arry_1[“w”]); //arry_1 is driven the same way as arry[“a”]

My understanding was, arry_1 values will be sampled in preponed region and DUT will drive penable_0 etc. on posedge clk which will happen in NBA region.
But i see that my assertion is picking the new value of arry_1[“v”] and [“w”].
I am using Cadence IES simulator.
If i change always @* to always @(posedge clk) arry[“a”] = penable_0;, it works ok.

Do you feel that it is expected? Or, there is something missing in my understanding.

In reply to tomrohit:

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your inputs but i have a query:

For a multi dimensional associative array how can we use the inbuilt methods like exists(),delete().
what i mean to say is how to pass the index for a multidimensional associative array for inbuilt exists() method.

Hi all,

I found this thread from a google search.
I too am struggling, as the previous poster, on how to pass the index for a multidimensional associative array to the exists method.


logic [31:0] noddy[int][int]; // associative array

//I've tried everything I can think of...

In reply to Witty:

Think of arrays of arrays instead of multi-dimensional arrays. Most SystemVerilog methods that operate on unpacked arrays only deal with one dimension at a time. You can do

 (noddy.exists(4) && noddy[4].exists(6))

And because SystemVerilog has expression short-circuiting, if the first term is false, the second term never evaluates. So that avoids an invalid reference.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you very much Dave that worked a treat.
I see what you mean regarding thinking of array of arrays instead of multi-dimensional arrays.
Live and learn.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to Witty:
Think of arrays of arrays instead of multi-dimensional arrays. Most SystemVerilog methods that operate on unpacked arrays only deal with one dimension at a time. You can do

 (noddy.exists(4) && noddy[4].exists(6))

And because SystemVerilog has expression short-circuiting, if the first term is false, the second term never evaluates. So that avoids an invalid reference.

hello, dave, would please show us how to use delete() method? i can’t figure out it.

In reply to Yesire-Lincoln:

In reply to dave_59:
hello, dave, would please show us how to use delete() method? i can’t figure out it.

I get it now, just as “(noddy.exists(4) && noddy[4].exists(6))”, I can do it as:

(noddy.exists(4) && noddy[4].delete(6))

Is it right?