Semi-active agent? (not passive but not fully active)

Does UVM have any concept of a “semi-active” agent? Somewhere between passive and active, used in place of a passive agent, with the addition of nondestructive overriding of certain signals.

For example a semi-active agent on an AXI bus could randomly drive ARVALID/ARREADY signals to 0 occasionally. So long as the master sees the overridden ARREADY==0 and the slave sees the overridden ARVALID==0 the design should continue to work correctly with only a timing perturbation. This would give better control and coverage of lower levels of the design, without requiring a complete block-level testbench. (Though clearly it is no substitute for a proper block-level testbench.)

Assuming the concept is sound, there’s the matter of how to wire up such an agent so that it has these capabilities.

In reply to scottj97:

I’ve done similar thing using virtual sequencer/sequences and use an active driver/agent. I call it noise_generator - assuming we are talking about the same thing. Others call it “irritator” at times.


In reply to Srini @

Srini, how did you wire in the active agent? The wires I want to control are connected to a DUT driver. I would need to either modify the RTL to insert my agent, or somehow use Verilog force/release to override the RTL driver.

In reply to scottj97:

Not sure if I understand you correctly - I used regular agent (with a SQR-DRVR) - just made a background sequence ticking along with main-line sequence via virtual sequence (for join_none of a forever loop inside bg_seq::body). Drop me a note via srini@cvcblr if you would like to see the example code.


In reply to Srini @

For me your description is not clear, but I believe you do not need a ‘semi-active agent’. What should this be?
I assume you want to exercise bot legal values for ARREADY. Right. You can do this from your AXI agent.
What’s the problem?

In reply to chr_sue:

I’m referring to an AXI bus connecting two blocks of RTL in my DUT. One block of RTL is master and another RTL block is slave. Normally I would connect a passive UVM agent to monitor this bus, not driving any signals.

An active UVM agent would apply when I have an RTL master or RTL slave, and the testbench drives the other end of that bus. Not the case here.

I want something in-between as I described in my first post. Most of the time, the RTL drives all signals, but occasionally I want the testbench to randomly insert some perturbations.

In reply to scottj97:
There are only 3 different types of agents:
(1) active
(2) re-active and
(3) passive
I guess you are looking for a re-active agent.

In reply to scottj97:

That clarifies quite a bit - my idea won’t work for this case. Perhaps you want to create a special driver-sqr-agent toggling only a subset of AXI signals and use force/release instead of regular drive. A more fancier way would be to create a wrapper interface with typical OE (output enable) used in bidir signals in RTL and use some muxing to drive the noise or the RTL.

I guess it boils down to how critical this testing is and how fancy you want to get
