Replacing SV code in an RTL module with UVM bind

I have an RTL module …

module foo;

// RTL code
// .
// .
// .
// .

// Then there is some SV code to introduce errors 

error_module em_i0 ();

always @ (posedge some_event) begin
   force something;
   release something;



How do I remove the SV code in this module and do the same thing using UVM bind?
Thank You!

If the something is a wire, you can do

module to_bind_in_another_module(output wire something, input some_event);
error_module em_i0 ();

always @ (posedge some_event) begin
  force something=1;
  release something;


bind foo to_bind_in_another module bind_inst0(somesignalinfoo,anothersignalinfoo);

But this will not work if the signal is a variable.

In reply to dave_59:

My bad!
It isn’t a wire; it is of type reg.
reg [width-1:0] something;

Please advise. Thank You!

In reply to new_to_uvm:

This might work using an upward name hierarchical reference.

module to_bind_in_module_foo;
error_module em_i0 ();
always @ (posedge foo.some_event) begin
  force foo.something=1;
  release foo.something;
bind foo to_bind_in_module_foo bind_inst0();

In reply to dave_59:

For reg[width-1:0] something,
I think ref port can be used.

module to_bind_in_another_module(ref reg[width-1:0] something, input some_event);
error_module em_i0 ();
always @ (posedge some_event) begin
  force something=1;
  release something;