

I have 2 questions:

(i) When we extend a class ‘A’ from uvm_component then to create the object of class ‘A’ we need to call the constructor of uvm_component ,can i directly call new method of uvm_component class i.e, instead of calling create method i will be calling new method of class ‘A’ (where class ‘A’ is not having any new method , since it is extending from uvm_component it should call new method of uvm_component). If not, then why?

(ii) Since constructor of uvm_component doesn’t have any default argument then one way to pass the argument value is by calling,p) and 2nd way is by specifying argument in the extend clause , i didn’t understand the 2nd way of doing it.

In reply to Shipra_s:

(i) Every class in SystemVerilog has a new() method constructor. If you don’t code one explicitly, SystemVerilog inserts one for you implicitly. You must call new() to construct a class object. The create() static method is defined by the UVM and it calls new() for you. Please see

(ii) Do not use the 2nd way. Experiment with it if you want to learn more, but it is never used with the UVM.

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave, i understand that create() method calls new() method , but i wanted to know, can i directly call new method (here i am not using create method) of uvm_component class to create an object of class ‘A’ which extends from uvm_component??

Like this :

class A extends uvm_component;


class B extends uvm_component;
A a1;
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
a1 = new(“a1”,this)

Here when i’am trying to do this,
I am getting this error:

** Error: …/src/Level0.svh(2): Super class constructor has non-default arguments. Arguments can be specified in the “extends” clause or by calling explicitly.

In reply to Shipra_s:

class A extends uvm_component;
function new(string name, uvm_component parent);,parent);

class B extends uvm_component;
function new(string name, uvm_component parent);,parent);
A a1;
function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
a1 = new("a1",this)

In reply to dave_59:

So, here the question is if i don’t write the new function in class A then, a1 = new(“a1”,this) statement should call the new function of uvm_component, correct me if i am wrong here.

In reply to Shipra_s:

Incorrect. If you don’t code a constructor explicitly, SystemVerilog inserts one for you implicitly. If you do not call as the first statement of a constructor, SystemVerilog inserts one for you.

class A extends uvm_component;
function new(); // implicitly inserted;

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave, i got my answer.