What is the difference bw @(posedge clk) and @(vif.mod_port.clocking_block)?

In reply to Manoj J:

I’m assuming MONITOR is the name of a modport. You do not put that in your references.

When using a clocking block name
, the clocking event
@(posedge clk)
triggers the sampling and driving of clocking block variable. When you the name, it’s essentially the same and the triggering event with one exception: The clocking block inputs are guaranteed to be updated before the clocking name triggers. So you should only be using your clocking block name in your run_phase task.

virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    forever begin
      tr_collected.d = vif.cb_monitor.d;
      tr_collected.q = vif.cb_monitor.q;