What happens to threads that don't finish

function void get_client_request();

for(int i=0;i<NUM_INTF;i++)begin
  automatic int client = i;

I’m using the function get_client_request() to collect requests into my client fifos. Every client has its own analysis fifo(that’s why I’m using clnt_fifo[client].get()). I know that the current request will only go into one client at a time so the get() will be successful for only one of the clients for every request. What will happen to the other (NUM_INTF-1) threads of the other clients? Will their get() be blocked indefinitely and hence, those threads will never finish? If this function gets called 10 times for 10 incoming requests, at the end of the 10 iterations will there be 10*(NUM_INTF-1) unfinished threads? If yes, will these threads be killed at the end if the simulation?

Note: clnt_fifo is an array of uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo

In reply to vikrant_sharma:

When you spawn a thread with fork/join_none, there are a number of ways that thread can terminate:

  • The statements in that thread complete.
  • The parent thread (the thread calling get_client_request()) or any of its ancestors executes a disable fork statement.
  • You call the kill() method of the thread handle you obtained using process::self().
  • The simulation terminates.

You probably don’t want to have a lot of extra threads running around; it can make debugging difficult and there might be other problems if there is more to your code than shown here. A better option would be to call get_client_request() once and put each forked thread into a forever loop.

How putting each forked thread into a forever loop could help?
Did not understand your proposal.

They never showed a lot of code to know exactly what they were doing. My suggestion is basically start the threads once and keeping them alive, rather than continually forking and terminating them

Thanks Dave for the replay, now I understand better your meaning.

May I ask on the run-time performance/memory-footprint aspects of these 2 practices?
Is starting the thread once and keeping then alive is better than continually forking and terminating them is more CPU/memory usage efficient?