Verifying reset

I am trying to verify reset action for a project.
I am driving the reset in the reset phase of the driver like below.

task reset_phase(uvm_phase phase);
  vif.rst = 1;
  @(driver_cb); //Clocking block

  vif.rst = 0;
  @(driver_cb); //Clocking block

  `uvm_info(get_type_name(),$sformatf("Reset done."));

In order to run this test, I have to make a sequence and start it on a sequencer.
But my sequence item does not contain rst signal.

SO how can I run the test? Is there any way without starting the sequence?

In reply to bachan21:

Hello why do you need to star a sequence on a sequencer? You could eventually create the main_phase raise the objection wait some clocks cycles, and finally drop the objection. Regards

In reply to Rsignori92:

Should I raise the objection in test class?
Apart from driving, I am monitoring the response from DUT and checking in scoreboard whether reset action is successful. So can you brief me on this total requirement?

In reply to bachan21:

You did not clearly say what do you want to verify. Inmy eyes testing the reset includes to check if all components/modules which are resettable did the reset. Checking only the reset signal if it becomes active can be checked using SV assertions.
And you do not need to implement the reset_phase.
For what you are doing a reset variable/flag is needed in the seq_item. If the reset flag is set you can start the reset task in your driver. There is no special reset test needed.

In reply to chr_sue:
In case I am including a global reset in seq_item, then may I need a seperate agent for handling reset?
My intention is to verify whether reset is being applied properly.
Reset action sets the output ports to some definite state.
So I will monitor those values and check that in my scoreboard.

In reply to bachan21:

You need a seperate agent only for each seperate functional interface. The reset signal is not a seperate interface. It belongs to the functional interfaces. And the reset signal will be handled by the drivers.