UVM RAL: Check on read issue

Following is the snippet of uvm_reg source code.

task uvm_reg::do_read(uvm_reg_item rw)
         if (rw.local_map.get_check_on_read()) exp = get();
         if (system_map.get_auto_predict()) begin
            uvm_status_e status;
            if (rw.local_map.get_check_on_read() &&
                rw.status != UVM_NOT_OK) begin
               void'(do_check(exp, rw.value[0], system_map));

From code it seems do_check is called only is auto predict is enabled and compares desired with read value.


  1. Is there any particular reason why checking is enabled for auto predict only or is it a bug?
  2. Code shows do_check checks desired vs read value not mirrored vs read value! Same goes for uvm_reg::mirror().