Hello Forum ,
I am trying the following concurrent assertion
bit clk , a , b , c;
always #5 clk = !clk;
ap1:assert property( @(posedge clk) a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c )
$display("T:%0t Pass",$time); else $display("T:%0t Fails",$time);
initial begin
#4 ; c = 1 ;
#12 ; $finish();
Based on my understanding: antecedent sequence ( a[*0] ## 1 b[*0] ) is equivalent to a[*0].
Equivalent property expression a[*0] |=> c is equivalent to ( a[*0] ## 1 1 |-> c ) i.e ( 1 |-> c )
My expected output is pass reports at time:5 and time:15 i.e 2 pass reports in total whereas currently the closest matching output ( as it varies across tools ) I observe is only 1 pass report at time:15
As ‘c’ is true on each clocking event I expected a pass report at time:5 and time:15 respectively
Based on 16.12.22 Nondegeneracy
b) Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of an overlapping implication (|->) shall be nondegenerate.
c) Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of a nonoverlapping implication (|=>) shall admit at least one match.
Such a sequence can admit only empty matches.
This code should display a pass at t5, 15, and t25
bit clk , a , b , c;
int p1, f1;
always #5 clk = !clk;
ap1:assert property( @(posedge clk) a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=>
(c, $display("%t c==1 PASS", $realtime)) )
begin p1++; $display("T:%0t Pass",$time); end
else begin f1++; $display("T:%0t Fails",$time); end
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
#4 ; c = 1 ;
#22 ; $finish();
If a tool does not behave as such and tells you that it is illegal,
or the pass is not at t5, then it is in error.
Ben Cohen Ben@systemverilog.us
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.
Atleast one tool does not pass at t5 (and no error either). Things do work after 15ns as expected though. Ideal for SVA Linting/static checking to flag!
a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c; // is equivalent to
a[*0] ##0 1 |=> c;
// Which can re-written as
a[*0] ##1 1 |-> c;
i.e 1 |-> c ; // Legal antecedent
Since the antecedent is always true there would be a non-vacuous pass on each clocking event.
LRM 16.12.22 ::
Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of a nonoverlapping implication (|=>) shall admit at
least one match. Such a sequence can admit only empty matches.
Antecedent in our case ( a[*0] ## 1 b[*0] ) is equivalent to ( a[*0] ## 0 1 ) i.e ( a[*0] )
which admits only empty match. Hence it’s legal as per LRM.
I meant to say that the tools “ACTED” (i.e., behaved) as if it had "a |=> " instead of “a |->”. That is why it missed the PASS at t5
Your analysis is correct.
Also, if you tried a[*0] |=> c; the tool acted (behaved) as if you had
0 |=> c;
Th point, this whole thing is not processed correctly.