Using property expression ( a[*0] ##1 b[*0] ) |=> c

Hello Forum ,
I am trying the following concurrent assertion

 bit  clk , a , b , c;
 always #5 clk = !clk;
 ap1:assert property( @(posedge clk) a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c ) 
            $display("T:%0t Pass",$time); else  $display("T:%0t Fails",$time);
  initial  begin
    #4 ; c = 1 ;
    #12 ; $finish();

Based on my understanding: antecedent sequence ( a[*0] ## 1 b[*0] ) is equivalent to a[*0].
Equivalent property expression a[*0] |=> c is equivalent to ( a[*0] ## 1 1 |-> c ) i.e ( 1 |-> c )

My expected output is pass reports at time:5 and time:15 i.e 2 pass reports in total whereas currently the closest matching output ( as it varies across tools ) I observe is only 1 pass report at time:15

As ‘c’ is true on each clocking event I expected a pass report at time:5 and time:15 respectively

What should be the output for ‘ap1’ ?

Based on 16.12.22 Nondegeneracy
b) Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of an overlapping implication (|->) shall be nondegenerate.
c) Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of a nonoverlapping implication (|=>) shall admit at least one match.
Such a sequence can admit only empty matches.
This code should display a pass at t5, 15, and t25

  bit  clk , a , b , c;
  int p1, f1;
 always #5 clk = !clk;
  ap1:assert property( @(posedge clk) a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> 
                      (c, $display("%t c==1 PASS", $realtime)) ) 
    begin p1++; $display("T:%0t Pass",$time);  end
    else  begin f1++; $display("T:%0t Fails",$time); end
  initial  begin
     $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
    #4 ; c = 1 ;
    #22 ; $finish();

If a tool does not behave as such and tells you that it is illegal,
or the pass is not at t5, then it is in error.
Ben Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.

Atleast one tool does not pass at t5 (and no error either). Things do work after 15ns as expected though. Ideal for SVA Linting/static checking to flag!

It looks to me that

a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c;  // is acting as 
1 |=> c; // which is in error
a[*0] |=> c;  // is often interpreted as 0 |=> c, // also in error

In any case, one should avoid degenerate sequences.
Am uploading my paper on degeneracy
Degeneracy111723Ben (4).pdf (251.6 KB)

I believe there is a typo.

a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c;  // is equivalent to 
a[*0] ##0 1 |=> c;  
// Which can re-written as
a[*0] ##1 1 |-> c;   
i.e  1 |-> c ;  // Legal antecedent

Since the antecedent is always true there would be a non-vacuous pass on each clocking event.

LRM 16.12.22 ::

Any sequence that is used as the antecedent of a nonoverlapping implication (|=>) shall admit at least one match. Such a sequence can admit only empty matches.

Antecedent in our case ( a[*0] ## 1 b[*0] ) is equivalent to ( a[*0] ## 0 1 ) i.e ( a[*0] )
which admits only empty match. Hence it’s legal as per LRM.


a[*0] ##1 b[*0] |=> c;  // is acting as 

1 |=> c; // which is in error

I believe there is a typo

I meant to say that the tools “ACTED” (i.e., behaved) as if it had "a |=> " instead of “a |->”. That is why it missed the PASS at t5
Your analysis is correct.
Also, if you tried a[*0] |=> c; the tool acted (behaved) as if you had
0 |=> c;
Th point, this whole thing is not processed correctly.