Use of an Associative array or Queue in System Verilog Assertion Property

Using an assertion woth  ultple antecedents is not recommended. 
a |-> seq |-> seq2  // not recommended 
here is an example of assertions using associative arrays for simulation. 
From my SVA book 
module memory_data_integrity_check (
    input bit write, // memory write
    input bit read,  // memory read
    input bit[31:0] wdata, // data written to memory
    input bit [31:0] rddata,  // ** NEW: data read from memory 
    input bit[31:0]  addr,  // memory address -- small for simulation 
    input bit reset_n, // active low reset
    input bit clk);   // clock 

    timeunit 1ns;   timeprecision 100ps;
    default clocking cb_clk @ (posedge clk);  endclocking 
    int mem_aarray[*]; // associative array (AA) to be used by property
    bit [31:0] raadata;  // data read from AA
    bit  mem_aarray_exists;  // exists at specified address
    assign mem_aarray_exists  = mem_aarray.exists(addr); 
            raadata  = mem_aarray[addr];  //  
    always@ (posedge clk)
        if (reset_n==1'b0) mem_aarray.delete; // Clears AA elements
        else if (write) mem_aarray[addr]  = wdata; // store data

    // ** Using an associative array to store the last data written **
    // If a write, save addr into v_wraddr, data is saved into the associative array 
    // by support logic. 
    // if at some time we have a read, and the address exists in the associative array 
    property p_read_after_write;
        bit [31:0] v_wraddr;
        (write, v_wraddr=addr) ##1  // if write, save data and addr
        (read && mem_aarray_exists && addr==v_wraddr) [->1] |-> // @read and data there at same written addr
        rddata==raadata;  // *** read data from IO is same as what was written 
    endproperty : p_read_after_write
    ap_read_after_write : assert property (p_read_after_write)
        $info("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata)); else 
        $error("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata));

    // ** METHOD 2. Vacuity if 2nd write to same address 

    property p_read_after_1_write;
            bit [31:0] v_wraadata, v_wraddr;
            (write, v_wraddr=addr, v_wraadata= wdata) ##1  // if write, save data and addr
            (!write && addr==v_wraddr)[*1:$] ##1 (read  && addr==v_wraddr) [->1]  
              // @read and data there at same written addr
               // and NO 2nd write to same address 
            |-> rddata==v_wraadata;  // *** read data from IO is same as what was written 
    endproperty : p_read_after_1_write
    ap_read_after_1_write : assert property (p_read_after_write)
            $info("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata)); else 
            $error("addr =%h, raadata=%h", $sampled(addr), $sampled(raadata)); 
    property p_read_before_write;
        not (read && !mem_aarray_exists); // never a read on an non written address
    endproperty : p_read_before_write
    ap_read_before_write : assert property (p_read_before_write);
endmodule : memory_data_integrity_check
// *** Testbench needs to be updated, it is not correct 
class c_xactn;
    rand bit write; // memory write
    rand bit read;  // memory read
    rand int wdata; // data written to memory
    rand bit[31:0] addr;  // memory address 
    rand bit [31:0] rddata;   // memory data 
    constraint addr_range_cst { addr dist {111:=1, 2222:=1};} //, 3333:=1};}
    constraint no_wr_and_rd_cst { !(read && write);}
    constraint rddata_cst  {rddata dist {32'hF:=1, 32'hFFFF:=1};} //, 32'hFFFF:=1};}
    constraint wrdata_cst  {wdata  dist {32'hF:=1, 32'hFFFF:=1};} //, 32'hFFFF:=1};}
endclass : c_xactn
module top;
    timeunit 1ns;   timeprecision 100ps;
    bit write; // memory write
    bit read;  // memory read
    int wdata; // data written to memory
    bit [31:0] rddata;   // memory data 
    bit[31:0] addr;  // memory address 
    bit reset_n=1'b1; // active low reset
    bit clk=1'b1;   // clock
    // Because you have used “c1” as a variable name and a block name.
    //  Normal search rules say the block name hides the name of the variable name.

    c_xactn c1;
    memory_data_integrity_check mem_check1 (.*);

    initial forever #5 clk=!clk;

    initial begin : i1
      repeat(300) begin :r1
         @ (posedge clk) begin :cl1
          if(!c1.randomize())  $error("c1 randomization failure"); 
          write <= c1.write; 
          read  <=; 
          wdata <= c1.wdata;  
          addr  <= c1.addr; 
          rddata <= c1.rddata; 
       end :cl1
      end :r1
    end : i1
endmodule : top 

en Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.