force `TOP.llp_nxt[((i+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
Error Message :
[IFRLHS-SELNONCONST] : Illegal force/release used on LHS
Can you please suggest me solution for this issue ?
force `TOP.llp_nxt[((i+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
Error Message :
[IFRLHS-SELNONCONST] : Illegal force/release used on LHS
Can you please suggest me solution for this issue ?
In reply to Niyati Gandhi:
0: force `TOP.llp_nxt[((0+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
1: force `TOP.llp_nxt[((1+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
2: force `TOP.llp_nxt[((2+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
3: force `TOP.llp_nxt[((3+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
In reply to dave_59:
Appreciate your last reply
It gives same error as
Error Message :
[IFRLHS-SELNONCONST] : Illegal force/release used on LHS
Bit select or part select must be constant
I am using VCS simulator
Do you have any other solution for it ?
In reply to dave_59:
0: force TOP.llp_nxt[((0+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val; 1: force
TOP.llp_nxt[((1+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
2: force TOP.llp_nxt[((2+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val; 3: force
TOP.llp_nxt[((3+1)*64) -1) -: 63] = val;
Issue in detail :
llp_nxt is some signal of RTL.
Now I have 2 RTL
I have tried bit slice which not works for force statement
On case also where RTL has 128bits length for llp_nxt as that time it’s gives error :
[IFRLHS-SELNONCONST] : Illegal force/release used on LHS
Force / release on bit select or part select of vector variable is not valid