Unresolved reference to 'debug_connected_to'


I got the error while the run design in tb.sv file.

// File name : tb.sv
In this class we are connected the all passive mode uvc’s.
So for debugging here i was called the ‘debug_connected_to’ function. To know the TLM port connection.

function void end_of_elaboration();
uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),“End_of_elaboration of *** MASTER”, UVM_LOW);

debug_connected_to (); // How to call this function?


For single port/export/imps connection check, this method will be used.
Usage :
port_name.debug_connected_to() for the port fanout network.
port_name.debug_provided_to() for the port_fanin network.
Note : if your are trying to print all the port/export connections without specific, this will not work.

In reply to srvm:

Hi Nithya baskaran

Thank you for replay.

port_name.debug_connect_to() will be called in end_of_elaboration phase.

In my Environment i have 8 passive uvc are there. How can i connect…
Can we give one example for this.

Santhosh Kumar

Hi Santhosh,

I hope I can help you. I add debug_connected_to() in my debug_tb, like this:

// UVM end_of_elaboration()
function void demo_tb::end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
uvm_report_info(get_full_name(),“YAOHE End_of_elaboration of demo_tb”, UVM_LOW);
endfunction : end_of_elaboration_phase

and the log is shown below,

UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.demo_tb0 [uvm_test_top.demo_tb0] YAOHE End_of_elaboration of demo_tb

UVM_INFO @ 0: uvm_test_top.demo_tb0.uart0.Tx.driver.seq_item_port [debug_connected_to] This port’s fanout network:

uvm_test_top.demo_tb0.uart0.Tx.driver.seq_item_port (uvm_seq_item_pull_port)


|_uvm_test_top.demo_tb0.uart0.Tx.sequencer.seq_item_export (uvm_seq_item_pull_imp)

Resolved implementation list:

0: uvm_test_top.demo_tb0.uart0.Tx.sequencer.seq_item_export (uvm_seq_item_pull_imp)

Yao He

In reply to yaohe:

Thank you Yao He !!!

Your logic is working fine and thank for your replay.

Santhosh Kumar.