Im trying to find the right structure for developing a unified verification environment for some bridges ( 6 bridges) for that :
1) I will have one generic scoreboard, env_top, test, and tb_top
2) The agents of this bridges will be connected in the first time with FIFO, and FIFO will be connected to Scoreboard
3) _For having the Coverage, can I have the coverage on the connection between FIFO and Scoreboard ?_
I want to know if this is right structure to follow ? else i will be grateful to receive other propositions.
In reply to uvm_share:
That is not nearly enough information to answer your question. How are these 6 bridges related to each other? Coverage is based on testing against a set of requirements. What are they?
I am trying to develop this unified environment, my goal is to be able to group the maximum of bridges in the same environment. For this, I am looking for a bridge that can be checked in this environment. This will be developed taking into account the metrics (coverage).
This environment will contain at first only one bridge, then in the second step I will add some bridges according to the possibility and if there are common spec between them.
According to what I explained above: What is the right structure of this unified environment to develop it?
Thanks in advance for your feedback.