Understanding SVA failure for hold_req_until_grant property


I have following property definition for checking that req should be held until grant is given. Grant can come in same cycle.

property p_hold_req_until_grant(clk,rst,req,gnt);
@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst)
rose(req) |=> req[*0:] ##0 $rose(gnt);

This property fails when I get the grant in same cycle. I am not sure why though as *0 and ##0 is present. Please help me understand the failure and suggest correct implementation.


In reply to vivek3016:

Figured out that it is because I am using non-overlapping operator for an arbiter which can give grant in same cycle.

property p_req_to_grant(clk,rst,req,gnt);
@(posedge clk) disable iff (rst)
req |-> ##[0:$] gnt;

This code works fine.