How do I write a property for the following:-
When signal aa toggles from 0 to 1, signal bb should become 1’b0 after 5 ns and should remain 1’b0 till signal aa = 1.
Note that signal aa is an asynchronous input.
How do I write a property for the following:-
When signal aa toggles from 0 to 1, signal bb should become 1’b0 after 5 ns and should remain 1’b0 till signal aa = 1.
Note that signal aa is an asynchronous input.
In reply to new_to_uvm:
Try something like the following:
Keep in mind that task t_aabb() is forked at every @(posedge aa), thus, the 2n posedge of aa will triggered it again.
with a guard for a single trigger of the task
(1) - EDA Playground // code below
fork // bb==0
begin @(posedge bb) bb_err: assert(0) else err3=1; end // occurs before aa==1
begin @(posedge aa) bb_ok: assert(! bb) else err4=1; end // bb should be 0
// When signal aa toggles from 0 to 1, signal bb should become 1'b0 after 5 ns
// and should remain 1'b0 till signal aa = 1.
module m;
timeunit 100ps; timeprecision 100ps;
bit aa, bb, guard;
int err1, err2, err3, err4, done;
task automatic t_aabb();
realtime t;
fork // bb==1 at entry
@(negedge bb) bb_early_ns: assert($realtime-t <50.1
&& $realtime-t >= 40.9) else err1=1;
#50.5 bb5ns: assert(bb==0) else err2=1;
fork // bb==0
begin @(posedge bb) bb_err: assert(0) else err3=1; end // occurs before aa==1
begin @(posedge aa) bb_ok: assert(! bb) else err4=1; end // bb should be 0
done=done+1; // end of the task
endtask: t_aabb
always @(posedge aa) if(!guard) fork t_aabb(); join_none
initial begin
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
repeat(1) begin
aa=0; bb=1; #20 aa=1; #10 aa=0; guard=1; #40 bb=0; #80 aa=1;
#100 aa=0; bb=1; #20 aa=1; #10 aa=0; #70 bb=0; #80 aa=1;
#20 $finish;
Ben Cohen
Link to the list of papers and books that I wrote, many are now donated.
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Getting started with verification with SystemVerilog
In reply to
I solved this assertion using the same approached I explained in my paper
Understanding the SVA Engine Using the Fork-Join Model Verification Horizons - July 2020 | Verification Academy Using a model, the paper addresses important concepts about attempts and threads. Emphasizes the total independence of attempts.
I strongly recommend reading this paper to understand the model behind SVA.