Solve the following assertion

If REQ is asserted then the GRANT will be asserted after 3 clock cycles and the GRANT need to be high for the no.of cycles that the REQ was high

I didn’t get the last part

GRANT need to be high for the no.of cycles that the REQ was high

Assume that $rose( req ) is true at T0 so $rose( grant ) must be true at T3.
Do you mean that req will go low i.e de-assert after T3 or at T3 ?
(a) If Req goes low at T3 then grant should be remain asserted for 3 clocks ? i.e T3 T4 T5
(a) If Req goes low at T5 then grant should be remain asserted for 5 clocks ? i.,e T3 T4 T5 T6 T7

This would just be

REQ |-> ##3 GRANT;

If Req is high for 1 cycle, then grant will be high for 1cycle after #3 delay
If Req is high for 2 cycles, then grant will be high for 2cycles after #3 delay
If Req is high for random cycles continuously, then grant will be high for that many cycles of req after #3 delay
overall grant is dependent on req

Hi dave,
If Req is high for 2 cycle then grant should be high for 2 cycles
is it possible to count how many cycles req is high and can we place that many cycles for grant to be high after #3 dealy

It would really help if you could create an example that demonstrates the conditions you want to check and we can test the validity of the assertions.

always @(posedge clk) begin

property prop_1;
@(posedge clk) $rose(req) |-> ##3 $rose(grant);
assert property(prop_1);

property prop_2;
@(posedge clk) req |-> ##3 grant;
assert property(prop_2);

property prop_3;
@(posedge clk) $rose(req) |-> ##3 $fell(grant);
assert property(prop_3)
Note: Can we use multiple property for it? If Yes, then here all 3 properties must pass then only our design check is successful

  • As per my understanding I wrote it, expecting good solution for the above question

It would easier to split it into 2 concurrent assertions

(1) Grant should be asserted 3 clocks after $rose( req)

property prop_1;
@(posedge clk) $rose(req) |-> ##3 $rose(grant);
assert property(prop_1);

(2) Grant should remain asserted for same no. of clocks as Req

 property p2;
    int unsigned req_t , grant_t ;
    ( ($rose(req),req_t = 0) ##0( (req,req_t++)[*1:$]  ##1 $fell(req) ) ) and  
    ( ($rose(grant)[->1],grant_t = 0) ##0( (grant,grant_t++ )[*1:$] ##1 $fell(grant) ) )  |-> ( req_t == grant_t );       
  assert property( @(posedge clk) p2) $display("T:%0t Pass",$time);
                                 else $display("T:%0t Fails",$time);

Note: ‘and’ operator requires LHS & RHS sequence start at same clock.
Since grant ideally is to be asserted after 3 clocks, I use $grant[->1] in RHS.
$rose(grant)[->1] could also be replaced with $rose(req) ##3 $rose(grant)

I tested (2) with the following stimulus. It’s working as per expectations

always #5 clk = !clk;

initial begin
    #4 ; req = 1;    
   `ifdef M1    
 // req is high for 1 clock from T0 to T1. Grant is asserted from T3 to T4    
    #10 ; req = 0;    
    #20 ; grant = 1;
    #10 ; grant = 0;    
  `elsif M2
 // req is high for 1 clock from T0 to T1. Grant is asserted from T3 to T5 i.e 2 clocks ( which is Incorrect ) !!    
    #10 ; req = 0;    
    #20 ; grant = 1;
    #20 ; grant = 0;          
   `elsif M3
 // req is high for 2 clocks from T0 to T2. Grant is asserted from T3 to T5    
    #20 ; req = 0;    
    #10 ; grant = 1;
    #20 ; grant = 0;    
  `elsif M4
 // req is high for 2 clocks from T0 to T2. Grant is asserted from T3 to T4 i.e 1 clock ( which is Incorrect ) !!    
    #20 ; req = 0;    
    #10 ; grant = 1;
    #10 ; grant = 0;      
   `elsif M5
 // req is high for 3 clocks from T0 to T3. Grant is asserted fro T3 to T6  
    #30 ; req = 0;  
        grant = 1;
    #30 ; grant = 0;   
  `elsif M6
  // req is high for 3 clocks from T0 to T3. Grant is asserted from T3 to T5 i.e 2 clocks ( which is Incorrect ) !!   
    #30 ; req = 0;
        grant = 1;
    #20 ; grant = 0;        
    #2 ; $finish();    
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