I wanted to write an assertion in which
- When Reset goes from 1 to 0, ElecIDle=1
2.From there EleIdle should be 1 till Reset=0,It should not change in between,
Can anybody please help
I wanted to write an assertion in which
Can anybody please help
In reply to naaj_ila:
I wanted to write an assertion in which
On your 2nd requirement, you most likely mean
"2.From there EleIdle should be 1 till another fall(Reset),It should not change in between
initial begin // Needed to create only ONE assertion
ap_reset2idle: assert property(@(posedge clk)
$fell(Reset) |-> ElecIDle[*1:$] ##1 $fell(Reset));
// Typical application of reset, from my 4th Edition SVA book
module m10_19; // /ch10/10.19/m10_19.sv m10_19.png
bit clk, reset_n, system_ready;
default clocking cb_clk @ (posedge clk); endclocking
initial begin
wait(system_ready); // You need to assess the need for this.
a1: assume property( // you can also use assert property
##1 $rose(reset_n) |-> always reset_n);
// The ##1 is needed to detect the $rose
Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us
In reply to ben@SystemVerilog.us:
In reply to naaj_ila:
On your 2nd requirement, you most likely mean
"2.From there EleIdle should be 1 till another fall(Reset),It should not change in between
initial begin // Needed to create only ONE assertion
ap_reset2idle: assert property(@(posedge clk)
$fell(Reset) |-> ElecIDle[*1:$] ##1 $fell(Reset));
// Typical application of reset, from my 4th Edition SVA book
module m10_19; // /ch10/10.19/m10_19.sv m10_19.png
bit clk, reset_n, system_ready;
default clocking cb_clk @ (posedge clk); endclocking
initial begin
wait(system_ready); // You need to assess the need for this.
a1: assume property( // you can also use assert property
##1 $rose(reset_n) |-> always reset_n);
// The ##1 is needed to detect the $rose
Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us
Thanks a lot for the reply,
It worked for me with soem modifications,
wait($fell(Reset)); is giving compiel error
so modifed as @(negedge Reset).
Previously i coded the same way but i did not waited for 1st falling of Reset.
From 0ns Reset=0,when clock started, assertion started from that point(But Reset didnot fall)and started failing.
I dinot understood why assertion started ?
In reply to naaj_ila:
It worked for me with some modifications,
wait($fell(Reset)); is giving compile error
so modified as @(negedge Reset).
[1] The wait($fell(Reset)) should have worked and IS LEGAL.
From 1800:15.5 Named events
“Processes can wait for a named event to be triggered either via the @ operator or
by the use of the wait() construct to examine their triggered state.”
I used Questa and wait($fell(Reset)); worked OK. Talk to your simulator vendor if that did not work.
[2] So you modified it to:
initial begin // Needed to create only ONE assertion
@(negedge Reset);
ap_reset2idle_neg: assert property(@(posedge clk)
$fell(Reset) |-> ElecIDle[*1:$] ##1 $fell(Reset));
Previously i coded the same way but i did not waited for 1st falling of Reset.
From 0ns Reset=0,when clock started, assertion started from that point(But Reset didnot fall)and started failing.
I dinot understood why assertion started ?
Your simulator incorrectly took Reset==0 at initial time to be falling.
Below is my simulation result, along with code
Note that at time 0, the simulator did not fire the @(negedge Reset) or the wait($fell(Reset))
You can try my model, which is at
On a side note, why are you using an active ONE reset instead of an active ZERO reset. Usually, the active ZERO reset is used because that signal is generated off a capacitor that hold the signal low for a while during power-up.
Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us