In reply to ricardosilvestre:
It is possible to do this creating a C function using SystemVerilog’s VPI.
int getParentName(char *user data) {
vpiHandle system_h, arg_itr, in_h, , out_h, parent_handle;
s_vpi_value out_s;
// all this code just to get a handle to the function's argument
// and without proper error checking
sys_h = vpi_handle(vpiSysTfCall, NULL);
arg_itr = vpi_iterate(vpiArgument, sys_h);
in_h = vpi_scan(arg_itr);
out_h = vpi_scan(arg_itr);
// now get its parent net
parent_h = vpi_get(vpiHighConn, in_h);
// return the name of the net
out_s.format = vpiStringVal;
out_s.str = vpi_get_str(vpiName,parent_h);
Inside your checker module you would call $getParentName(signal,name);
But it might be just easier to create a macro that instantiates your checker module
`define sigref_checker_inst(R,A,START,STOP,SIGNAL,REF) \
#(.reltol(R), \
.startTime (START),\
chk1 (\