Randomizing struct members - why do I see this error?

I have a struct and I am trying to randomize its members with constraints (please see below). Without any constraints, randomization is fine. Can someone please let me know why I see the error mentioned below? Many thanks!

typedef enum {RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW} colors_e;

typedef struct {
  rand colors_e color;
  rand bit[3:0] num;
} card;  

class Example;
  rand card c[]; 
  constraint c1 {c.size() == 3;} 
  constraint c2 {foreach (c[i]){          
    i == 0 -> c.num[i] inside {[0:9]};}} //why is this incorrect? 
module TB;
  Example E;
  initial begin
    E = new();
      $display("Failed Randomization \n"); 

I see the following error:
Error found while trying to resolve cross-module reference.
token ‘c’. Originating package ‘$unit’.
Source info: (c.num[i] inside {[0:9]});

In reply to Verif Engg:

The correct syntax should be

    i == 0 -> c[i].num inside {[0:9]};}}