Hi ,
I am trying to develop a test bench in which the bus for communication works in open drain or push_pull mode , so in order to create a vip with a master and slave , how do i code the open drain and push-pull ,mechanism in the test bench.
Ps: a clear description of open drain and push_pull will be helpful
In reply to Dhee_27:
Here’s a good explanation about the concepts.
Push/Pull is the normal mode of most gate outputs - drive a zero or one. Open-drain can drive a zero or high-Z. In Verilog, this can be done with a continuous assignment.
assign push_pull = data_reg; // implicit
assign (strong0, strong1) push_pull = data_reg; // explicit
assign (strong0, highz1) open_drain = data_reg;
If this needs to be programmable, you can use a mode bit.
assign bus = mode ? push_pull : open_drain;
assign (pull1,highz0) = 1; // pull-up
thank You so much for the info dave.