Hi All,
LRM 2017 Section mentions ::
// Assume for this example that (posedge clk) will not occur at time 0
always @(posedge clk) begin
int i = 10; // My Comment :: Incorrect , should be explicitly declared as static OR automatic here
for (i=0; i<10; i++) begin
a1: assert property (foo[i] && bar[i]); // My Comment :: Infers leading clock as @(posedge clk)
In any given clock cycle, each of these assertions will result in 10 queued executions.
Every execution of assertion a1, however, will be checking the value of (foo[10] && bar[10]) ,
since the sampled value of i will always be 10, its final value from the previous execution of the procedure
I have a few questions related to it
[Q1] I am not clear on the last line ::
Every execution of assertion a1, however, will be checking the value of (foo[10] && bar[10]),since the sampled value of i will always be 10
Why doesn’t it result in :: (foo[0] && bar[0]) , (foo[1] && bar[1]) , … (foo[9] && bar[9]) ?
My intuition is that the unlooping of for-loop would occur in Active region
whereas the concurrent assertion gets evaluated in Observed region.
Would the value of ‘i’ be 10 in Observed region ?
[Q2] Assume that variables ‘foo’ , ‘bar’ are declared as
logic [9:0] foo , bar ; // 10-bit wide
Essentially foo[10] , bar[10] are invalid indexes.
So won’t (foo[10] && bar[10]) result in ( 1’bX && 1’bX ) i.e 1’bX i.e False ?
[Q3] What if the assumption is not true i.e posedge of clk occurs at time 0 ? What difference would it make ?
[Q4] I want to add a fail action block to ‘a1’ that displays the index ( i.e ‘i’ ) for which the failure occurs. What would the correct way be ?
always @(posedge clk) begin
for ( int i=0; i<10; i++) begin // 'i' is now automatic
// Will the following approach work ?
a1: assert property (foo[i] && bar[i]) else $display("Failure for foo[%0d] is %1b, bar[%0d] is %1b",$sampled(i),foo[$sampled(i)],$sampled(i),bar[$sampled(i)]);