One register map for multiple agents?

In reply to soloist_huaxin:
It can be done while using uvm_reg_frontdoor (user defined frontdoor) mechanism and using reg.set_frontdoor() function.

Here is code of uvm_reg_frontdoor:

// Class: uvm_reg_frontdoor
// Facade class for register and memory frontdoor access.
// User-defined frontdoor access sequence
// Base class for user-defined access to register and memory reads and writes
// through a physical interface.
// By default, different registers and memories are mapped to different
// addresses in the address space and are accessed via those exclusively
// through physical addresses.
// The frontdoor allows access using a non-linear and/or non-mapped mechanism.
// Users can extend this class to provide the physical access to these registers.
virtual class uvm_reg_frontdoor extends uvm_reg_sequence #(uvm_sequence #(uvm_sequence_item));

   // Variable: rw_info
   // Holds information about the register being read or written
   uvm_reg_item rw_info;

   // Variable: sequencer
   // Sequencer executing the operation
   uvm_sequencer_base sequencer;

   // Function: new
   // Constructor, new object given optional ~name~.
   function new(string name="");;

   string fname;
   int lineno;

endclass: uvm_reg_frontdoor

Extend this class and make your own 2 frontdoor class

class my_fd_1 extends uvm_reg_frontdoor;

  function new (string name = "my_fd_1");;
  endfunction : new


endclass : my_fd_1

Same way to my_fd_2 and instantiate those in your environment , then assign respective sequencer and adapter to these frontdoors.


class env extends uvm_env;

  //-- variable declarations
  my_fd_1 fd1; // user defined frontdoor mechanism
  my_fd_2 fd2;

  // adapter
  my_adapter_1 adptr1;
  my_adapter_2 adptr2;

  // agent
  my_agent1  agent1;
  my_agent2  agent2;

  function void build_phase (uvm_phase phase);
    // agent and adapter creation
    fd1 = my_fd_1 :: type_id :: create("fd1",this);
    fd1 = my_fd_2 :: type_id :: create("fd2",this);

    // assign adapter to frontdoor
    fd1.adapter = adptr1;
    fd2.adapter = adptr2;

  endfunction : build_phase

  // connect phase
  function void connect_phase (uvm_phase phase);
    // assign respective seqrs
    fd1.sequencer = agent1.seqr;
    fd2.sequencer = agent2.seqr;
  endfunction : connect_phase

endclass : env

Now, How to initiate register read and write request by using frontdoor
If you want to generate physical request through agent1.seqr then use fd1 frontdoor mechanism by putting below code before write/read task of register in sequence.

 //sequence task of register write 
 task reg_write();
 // ----
 // set frontdoor for below write request
  reg.set_frontdoor( .ftdr(p_sequencer.env.fd1) // set frontdoor fd1
                     .map(reg_model.reg_map));  // your single register map


endtask : reg_write

same way for read operation.

Let me know if have any confusion.