NULL pointer dereference

I meet a error that “NULL pointer dereference” when simulation. The error occurs when calling the interface.

  1. I create a interface :

interface adiv_if ();
  bit  clk_target;
  bit  clk;
  assign clk = adiv_block_tb_sim_top.dut.clk;
  assign clk_target = adiv_block_tb_sim_top.dut.u_adiv_core.clk_target;
  1. I instantiate in sim_top, and set * use config_db

`include ""
module adiv_block_tb_sim_top;   
    virtual adiv_if aif;
    uvm_config_db#(virtual adiv_if)::set(null, "*", "aif", aif);

3. I get interface(aif) in the base_test

``` verilog

virtual class adiv_block_tb_base_test extends uvm_test;
   virtual adiv_if aif;
   virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
      if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual adiv_if)::get(this, "", "aif", aif))
          `uvm_fatal(get_full_name(),"not get adiv_if");
   endfunction : build_phase

  1. I create a testcase extends base_test

class adiv_block_tb_verilog_test extends adiv_block_tb_base_test;
   virtual task main_phase(uvm_phase phase);
       $display("get adiv_if clk_target is %0d",aif.clk_target); //(line44)

I completed above code, the error occurs when simulation
//======error message=========
get adiv_if xmsim: *E,TRNULLID: NULL pointer dereference.
File: /home/yguo3/adiv/adiv_blk_env/adiv_block_tb/tests/adiv_block_tb_verilog_test/, line = 44, pos = 34
Scope: worklib.adiv_block_tb_env_pkg::adiv_block_tb_verilog_test@4769_1.build_phase
Time: 0 FS + 6
Verilog Stack Trace:
0: function worklib.adiv_block_tb_env_pkg::adiv_block_tb_verilog_test@4769_1.build_phase at /home/yguo3/adiv/adiv_blk_env/adiv_block_tb/tests/adiv_block_tb_verilog_test/
1: function worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_build_phase@2981_2.exec_func at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_common_phases.svh:54
2: function worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_topdown_phase@2981_2.execute at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh:111
3: function worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_topdown_phase@2981_2.traverse at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh:78
4: function worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_topdown_phase@2981_2.traverse at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_topdown_phase.svh:95
5: task worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_phase@3011_2.execute_phase at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_phase.svh:1168
6: process in worklib.uvm_pkg::uvm_phase::m_iterate_through_phases at /cad/adi/apps/cadence/xlm/linux/20.09-s09/tools/methodology/UVM/CDNS-1.1d/sv/src/base/uvm_phase.svh:1997
/home/yguo3/adiv/adiv_blk_env/adiv_block_tb/tests/adiv_block_tb_verilog_test/ $display(“get adiv_if %d”,aif.clk_target);
xcelium> exit

error line44 : $display(“get adiv_if clk_target is %0d”,aif.clk_target);

May I ask what is causing this problem and how to fix it? Thinks very much!

In reply to yguo:

You should show what is line 44 in file adiv_block_tb_verilog_test/
The error message points you to a missing object.

In reply to chr_sue:
hi chr_sue,
line44: $display(“get adiv_if clk_target is %0d”,aif.clk_target);
The content of line 44 is displayed in the error message

In reply to yguo:

The assigns in your interface definition are looking strange. I do not understand what you are doing there.
It would be helpful to see the toplevel module.
And finally you should replace the main_phase with run_phase in your test definition.

In reply to chr_sue:

ok, thinks!

I want refers to the dut internal signal in package. Because uvm_test component packaged in package-endpackage,that are not supported hierarchical references in test(not sequence), so i need interface to reference dut internal signal.

I found the problem, I instantiation the interface in sim_top, used methode
virtual adiv_if aif;
actual instantiation should do:
adiv_if aif();
interface is a static, so need with parentheses。

The error “NULL Pointer deference” disappears when i modify instantiation methode.

Anyway, thank you for your reply.