Hi all,
I found an axi master environment where it has 5 different agents for the five channels but the interface is only one.
Can we have multiple agents for single set of interface signals. is that accepted as per UVM standerds.
Please help me in knowing.
Thank you
There isn’t any specific that says you can’t do something like this, but doing this would certainly break any possibility of reusing this agent in a different topology that did not involve a set of five. In most situations I’ve found that you get clearer code, more flexibility, and fewer problems if each agent is attached to its own dedicated interface.
In reply to Aajay:
Hi all,
I found an axi master environment where it has 5 different agents for the five channels but the interface is only one.
Can we have multiple agents for single set of interface signals. is that accepted as per UVM standerds.
Please help me in knowing.
Thank you
If you have a multiple master testbench with the same types of masters then you need only 1 SV interface. But you are using multiple instances this interface each connected to an agent on the one hand side and connected to your DUT on the other side.
It is useless driving 1 interface instance from multiple agents.
In reply to chr_sue:
Hi chr_sue,
I agree with your statement but the environment which I have now has 5 different agents driving same interface . Driver in each agent driving only particular signals independently. I want to know will this approach is accepted as per uvm standerds.
Thank you.
In reply to Aajay:
The UVM does not have any compliance rules. You can do what is possible.
Your requirement is very un-specific. Please share some code, especially from the interface.
In reply to chr_sue:
Hi chr_sue,
I cant share the code but the interface has only signals declaration without having any clocking blocks or any tasks defined. it has axi specific signals defined in it.
Thank you
In reply to Aajay:
I had a short look to the AXI Standard. It talks about the handshake when having a multiple master configuration.
Then you have to implement an arbitration algorithm to drive the single interface with the different agents signals.
Do you know this link