Memory Allocation failure

HI All,

While generating a video format in UVM, I am facing

** Failure: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. *****

Attempting to allocate 1073741840 bytes

Please check your system for available memory and swap space.

Wanted to understand the limitations on the size of the transaction(seq item) should be used.

Currently the transaction item has below fields,
bit [11:0] y[0:1920][0:1080];
bit [11:0] u[0:1920][0:1080];
bit [11:0] v[0:1920][0:1080];

Is this a limitation form UVM or the tool. I am using questasim.


These three items by themselves are 100MB for each transaction. Other things like `uvm_field_* macros and constraints could add much more.

I can’t give you tool specific help in this forum, but a standard debugging technique would be to isolate the exact line of code that is causing the problem. And if it is indeed the construction of a single seq_item, try pruning fields from that item until you find the culprit.