i’m wondering may i can use loops inside a property block of assertion. below i have given a example. here i’m wondering instead of giving the same code with increasing index, may i can use foreach loop. does property support it?. what if i use a function inside the property and inside the function i have declared the foreach loop. does it work?
property pslverr_invalid_addr;
@(posedge PCLK)
disable iff (!PRESETn)
((PSEL[0] && PENABLE && PREADY && !(PADDR inside {[SLAVE_ADDR[0].start_addr:SLAVE_ADDR[0].end_addr]})) ||
(PSEL[1] && PENABLE && PREADY && !(PADDR inside {[SLAVE_ADDR[1].start_addr:SLAVE_ADDR[1].end_addr]})) ||
((PSEL[2] && PENABLE && PREADY && !(PADDR inside {[SLAVE_ADDR[2].start_addr:SLAVE_ADDR[2].end_addr]})))
|-> $rose(PSLVERR); //