Location of program file and package

Hello Forum,

Could you please help me in getting to know where to place the program file in the package.
When it is placed in the package it is giving error. I have a run file that have the order like

vlog -sv rtl.sv interface.sv testbench.sv package.sv program.sv
vsim work.program
run -all

Is it ok? I am placing all the class files in the package, and rest in the run file like given above.
But it is giving error. Please guide and help.

Sunil S.

In reply to sunils:
Program blocks are declared and instantiated like any other module. The are not defined in packages. I don’t recommend the use of program blocks. See Are Program Blocks Necessary? - Verification Horizons

BTW, you should always describe the error you are getting.

BTW2, you do not need the -sv switch. All *.sv files are interpreted as being SystemVerilog by default.