Hi, I’m looking to selectively turn off checking on read for certain registers belonging to a register map I have defined using uvm_reg_map. I see there is a function called set_check_on_read() but looks like this will disable checking for all registers in the map. Is there anything similar to this to disable a specific register?
In reply to spicy_dice:
Assuming you have some sort of list/queue of register names you want to skip the checking you could use uvm_reg_field::set_compare
Maybe something like this, probably there are more efficient ways to do this
I was not able to see any other mechanism to do this in the uvm_reg_map class or the uvm_reg class as you pointed in your post, only in the uvm_reg_field class the set_compare() method
“Sets the compare policy during a mirror update. The field value is checked against its mirror only when both the check argument in uvm_reg_block::mirror, uvm_reg::mirror, or uvm_reg_field::mirror and the compare policy for the field is UVM_CHECK.”
uvm_map my_map;
uvm_reg all_regs[$];
uvm_reg filtered_regs[$];
uvm_reg_field fields_to_be_skipped[$];
string regs_to_be_skipped[$] = '{"MY_REG1", "MY_REG2"};
//get the all the regs in map
//get the regs you want to skip comparison
filtered_regs = all_regs.find(it) with (it.get_name() inside {regs_to_be_skipped});
// iterate over the regs and set_compare for every field to UVM_NO_CHECK
foreach(filtered_regs[i]) begin
foreach(fields_to_be_skipped[j]) begin
In reply to rgarcia07:
Thanks! I think this should work for my purpose!