Importing package

Hi all.
During building my systemverilog packages for commercial verification testbench, I have met importing issue for systemverilog packages.

package a_pkg;
include "" include “”
endpackage: a_pkg

class A;
// contents of A
endclass: A

class B;
// contents of B
endclass: B

package b_pkg;
import a_pkg::*; // I am expecting b_pkg can use classes in a_pkg.
class C;
// contents of C
endclass: C
endpackage: b_pkg

import b_pkg::*;
module tb;
A a; // Error!
B b; // Error!
C c;

I’ve already added import a_pkg::8; above a line of import b_pkg to resolve this issue, but I am trying to make it successful to compile this with the line “import a_pkg::*;”

Can anyone give me wisdom?

In reply to stephenkim:

A package import only makes identifiers potentially visible in the scope where the import statement exists (the importing scope). The identifiers do not get imported unless there is an actual reference to the identifier, and the import statement does not make the identifiers visible as if they declared in the importing scope. In other words, the wildcard import pack::* doesn’t actually import anything until there is a reference to a specific identifier that appears in the importing scope.

There is an package export statement that will make an identifier visible as if was declared in the importing scope

package b_pkg;
  import a_pkg::*; // I am expecting b_pkg can use classes in a_pkg.
  class C;
    // contents of C
  endclass: C
  export a_pkg::A;
  export a_pkg::B;
endpackage: b_pkg

Note that I had to explicitly reference A and B to get them imported into b_pkg before they part of what gets imported by import b_pkg::*;. Most people will just import b_pkg where it is needed.