Hello everyone,
I have imported following C subroutine(RunTestCase) to SV as follows.
import “DPI-C” context RunTestCase = task RunTestCase(int TestcaseId);
Inside the C code , it calls the SV tasks exported from SV domain to C domain.
C code looks like this…
extern “C” int RunTestCase (int TestId) {
…some code
…some code…
WriteField(“something”,“REG_something”,“something”,255); //This is exported from SV
WriteField is declared as follows in SV file
export “DPI-C” WriteField = task WriteField;
task WriteField (input string block_name, input string reg_name, input string field_name, input int Data);
…some code
Everything looks correct here.
But I am getting following error.
xmsim: *F,DISEXP: The export subroutine WriteField cannot be called from disabled import subroutine RunTestCase.
The question is , why subroutine “RunTestCase” is getting disabled. I never did that manually in code.!!
Please help. Its urgent.
+91 9845696897