Illegal combination of drivers warning when using UVC as UVM_PASSIVE

Hi, I am working on writing a UVC that will help me generate synchronous and asynchronous stimuli, I already have the agent, driver, monitor, sequencer, and sequence_item written and working, I connected two instances of this UVC in the input of my dut configured as active and everything worked fine but when I connect another instance of the UVC to the output and configure it as passive I get the following warning

Warning-[ICPSD_W] Illegal combination of drivers
/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/, 8
  Illegal combination of structural and procedural drivers.
  Variable "gpio_pin" is driven by an invalid combination of structural and 
  procedural drivers. Variables driven by a structural driver cannot have any 
  other drivers.
  This variable is declared at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/", 8: logic
  [7:0] gpio_pin;
  The first driver is at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/tb/", 17: adder dut( .clk 
  (tb.port_a_if.clk),  .rst (1'b0),  .A (tb.port_a_if.gpio_pin),  .B 
  (tb.port_b_if.gpio_pin),  .C (tb.port_c_if.gpio_pin));
  The second driver is at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/", 12: 
  output gpio_pin = gpio_pin;
  This warning will be upgraded to error in future releases

Warning-[ICPSD_W] Illegal combination of drivers
/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/, 8
  Illegal combination of structural and procedural drivers.
  Variable "gpio_pin" is driven by an invalid combination of structural and 
  procedural drivers. Variables driven by a structural driver cannot have any 
  other drivers.
  This variable is declared at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/", 8: logic
  [7:0] gpio_pin;
  The first driver is at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/../sv/", 12
  Hierarchical path: tb.port_c_if
  The second driver is at 
  "/home/bermudez/Desktop/vip/gpio_uvc/vip_vrf/tb/", 17
  Hierarchical path: tb
  This warning will be upgraded to error in future releases

This is the interface code

`ifndef GPIO_UVC_IF_SV
`define GPIO_UVC_IF_SV

interface gpio_uvc_if (
  input logic clk

  logic [7:0] gpio_pin;

  clocking cb_drv @(posedge clk);
    default output #1ns;
    output gpio_pin;
  endclocking : cb_drv

  clocking cb_mon @(posedge clk);
    default input #1ns;
    input gpio_pin;
  endclocking : cb_mon

  modport drv (clocking cb_drv, output gpio_pin);
  modport mon (clocking cb_mon, input gpio_pin);

endinterface : gpio_uvc_if

`endif // GPIO_UVC_IF_SV

and this is the testbench code

module tb;
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  import top_test_pkg::*;

  // Clock generator
  logic clk;
  always #5 clk = ~clk;

  initial begin
    clk = 0;

  gpio_uvc_if port_a_if(clk);
  gpio_uvc_if port_b_if(clk);
  gpio_uvc_if port_c_if(clk);

  adder dut (
  initial begin
    $timeformat(-9, 0, "ns", 10);
    uvm_config_db #(virtual gpio_uvc_if)::set(null, "uvm_test_top.env.port_a_agent", "vif", port_a_if);
    uvm_config_db #(virtual gpio_uvc_if)::set(null, "uvm_test_top.env.port_b_agent", "vif", port_b_if);
    uvm_config_db #(virtual gpio_uvc_if)::set(null, "uvm_test_top.env.port_c_agent", "vif", port_c_if);

endmodule : tb

in the environment

function void top_env::build_agents();

  port_a_agent_cfg = gpio_uvc_config::type_id::create("port_a_agent_cfg", this);
  port_a_agent_cfg.is_active = UVM_ACTIVE;
  uvm_config_db #(gpio_uvc_config)::set(this, "port_a_agent", "cfg", port_a_agent_cfg);
  port_a_agent = gpio_uvc_agent::type_id::create("port_a_agent", this);

  port_b_agent_cfg = gpio_uvc_config::type_id::create("port_b_agent_cfg", this);
  port_b_agent_cfg.is_active = UVM_ACTIVE;
  uvm_config_db #(gpio_uvc_config)::set(this, "port_b_agent", "cfg", port_b_agent_cfg);
  port_b_agent = gpio_uvc_agent::type_id::create("port_b_agent", this);

  port_c_agent_cfg = gpio_uvc_config::type_id::create("port_c_agent_cfg", this);
  port_c_agent_cfg.is_active = UVM_PASSIVE;
  uvm_config_db #(gpio_uvc_config)::set(this, "port_c_agent", "cfg", port_c_agent_cfg);
  port_c_agent = gpio_uvc_agent::type_id::create("port_c_agent", this);

endfunction : build_agents

I tried to solve it by using modport to define the direction but it didn’t make any difference, the only thing that has worked is creating another variable to use when the UVC is configured as passive, is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Temporal solution

`ifndef GPIO_UVC_IF_SV
`define GPIO_UVC_IF_SV

interface gpio_uvc_if (
  input logic clk

  logic [7:0] gpio_pin;
  logic [7:0] gpio_pin_passive;

  clocking cb_drv @(posedge clk);
    default output #1ns;
    output gpio_pin;
  endclocking : cb_drv

  clocking cb_mon @(posedge clk);
    default input #1ns;
    input gpio_pin;
    input gpio_pin_passive;
  endclocking : cb_mon

  modport drv (clocking cb_drv, output gpio_pin);
  modport mon (clocking cb_mon, input gpio_pin);

endinterface : gpio_uvc_if

`endif // GPIO_UVC_IF_SV
  adder dut (

I’m using vcs version : T-2022.06 and UVM 1.2, despite the warning evething is working fine, but I’m worried that latter this warning will be upgraded to error in future releases. Thanks

Could you please put your code to