This module is being used in many locations. Some with SIZE = 1, some with SIZE = 2, and some with SIZE = 8…etc. Is it possible to create a generic property for this module with different SIZE definition? If possible, what is the easiest way to bind without binding instance individual according to the SIZE?
There is no way to bind to a specific parametrization of a target module other by instance name. However, you may want to look at the SystemVerilog checker construct. A checker does not require explicit type in its port list. Make sure your simulator version supports it before going any further. Questa 10.3 does.
properties and sequences can have formal arguments that can be untyped. You can’t use the bind because the binding module would have parameters that would need to be sized in the binding. However, you can use the include of a file where the properties use untyped formal arguments. BTW, with the include, you don’t need to have the properties with arguments, Below is an example.
// file
property p_go2(datain,
go |=> datain==dataout+1'b1;
ap_go_with_include: assert property(@(posedge clk) p_go2(data_in, data_out));
//file sync_ff
module sync_dff#(parameter [31:0] SIZE = 32'd1)
(input bit clk,rstn, go,
input logic[SIZE-1:0] data_in,
output logic[SIZE-1:0] data_out);
`include ""
// property with typed formal arguments
property p_go(logic[SIZE-1:0] datain,
logic[SIZE-1:0] dataout);
go |=> datain==dataout+1'b1;
ap_go: assert property(@(posedge clk) p_go(data_in, data_out));
// ...
// This module is being used in many locations.
// Some with SIZE = 1, some with SIZE = 2, and some with SIZE = 8...etc.
// Is it possible to create a generic property for this module with different SIZE definition?
// If possible, what is the easiest way to bind without binding instance individual according to the SIZE?