How to get uvm_config_db to accept a virtual interface that contains an interface in the port?

I am trying to “set” an interface instance in the uvm_config_db, but get an error because my interface uses an interface in its port. This practice is used when separating HDL/HVL in uvm monitors/drivers for acceleration. I think this could also be used generically when ever one interface uses another interface. This seems referenced in several places on the web and in Mentor discussions, but i cant get it to work. I have created a over simplified test case below. How can i create an interface that uses another interface and pass that to the config_db?


The elab error i get:
uvm_config_db#(virtual bfm_if)::set( null, “”, “BFM_IF”, BFM );
ncelab: *E,CUVIIP (./,66|32): This virtual interface declaration is illegal, because interface ‘bfm_if’ has interface port ‘ABC’.

irun: *E,ELBERR: Error during elaboration (status 1), exiting.

Below is a simplified example:

  1 `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  2 import uvm_pkg::*;
  4 interface abc_if( input bit clk, rstn );
  5   logic a,b,c;
  7   modport MON (
  8     input clk, rstn,
  9     input a,
 10     input b,
 11     input c
 12   );
 14 endinterface
 16 interface bfm_if( abc_if ABC );  // NOTE: interface in the port list!
 19   task run();
 20     @( ABC.clk );
 21     forever begin
 22       @(posedge ABC.clk );
 23       $display("%m: time %0t", $realtime() );
 24     end
 25   endtask
 26 endinterface
 28 class test1 extends uvm_test;
 30     virtual interface abc_if    BFM;
 32     `uvm_component_utils( test1 )
 34     function new( string name="test1", uvm_component parent=null );
 35 name, parent );
 36     endfunction
 38     task run_phase( uvm_phase phase );
 39         phase.raise_objection(this);
 40         `uvm_info( get_full_name(), "Test Start...", UVM_NONE )
 41         #1000ns;
 42         `uvm_info( get_full_name(), "Test End...", UVM_NONE )
 43         phase.drop_objection(this);
 44     endtask
 45 endclass
 48 module top;
 49   import uvm_pkg::*;
 50   `include "uvm_macros.svh"
 52   reg clk, rstn;
 54   always clk = #10 ~clk;
 55   initial begin
 56     clk=0; rstn=0;
 57     #(100);
 58     rstn = 1;
 59   end
 61   abc_if ABC( clk, rstn );
 62   bfm_if BFM( ABC.MON );
 64   initial begin
 65     uvm_config_db#(virtual abc_if)::set( null, "", "ABC_IF", ABC );
 66     uvm_config_db#(virtual bfm_if)::set( null, "", "BFM_IF", BFM );  // <-- this FAILS
 69     run_test();     // expand UVM test and start phasing...
 70   end
 71 endmodule

I can overcome the problem by creating the abc_if instance INSIDE the bfm_if, but i dont want to do that because i’ll be binding my abc_if. If i DO do it, then my uvm_config_db’s become as shown below. However, my question is HOW i can get it to work without doing this?

 16 interface bfm_if( input bit clk, rstn );  // the fix. Dont pass interface
 17   abc_if ABC( clk,rstn);  // the fix. Instance interface inside

 26 endinterface
 48 module top;
 61 //abc_if ABC( clk, rstn );      // comment this out if using the fix
 62   bfm_if BFM( clk, rstn );      // the fix
 64   initial begin
 65   //uvm_config_db#(virtual abc_if)::set( null, "", "ABC_IF", ABC );
 66     uvm_config_db#(virtual abc_if)::set( null, "", "ABC_IF", BFM.ABC );   // the fix; note hierarchy into BFM
 67     uvm_config_db#(virtual bfm_if)::set( null, "", "BFM_IF", BFM );

Another way to avoid the issue would be for me to just replace all occurrences of abc_if with the bfm_if (i would need to duplicate the logic signals). But i dont want to do that either. In this simple case it looks trivial, but in a real case it is not (plus, i dont like the maintenance of dup code…)

According to this, it is LRM non compliant to pass an interface in port list of another interface though it shouldnt be the case.