I want to write a constraint for each item in Tx_IP_addresses, so that acc. to a parameter, it’s value will be taken from either IP_table1/2 or not.
i.e. something like this(pseudo code) :
foreach Tx_IP_addresses[i] {
80% probability -> Tx_IP_addresses[i] inside {IP_Table1,IP_Table2};
20% probability -> Tx_IP_addresses[i] NOT inside {IP_Table1,IP_Table2};
I tried to use a combination of dist + inside but could not find one that will pass compilation.
I also tried to define another random array of integers (value between 0 and 100), and use it, but this causes the simulator to stuck in randomization :
rand int random_array_of_int [0:200];
random array_of_int[i] inside {[0:100]};
solve array_of_int before Tx_IP_addresses;
foreach Tx_IP_addresses[i] {
array_of_int[i] > 20 -> Tx_IP_addresses[i] inside {IP_Table1,IP_Table2};
Try following code. I guess it should work for you.
class C #(int unsigned WIDTH=16);
rand bit[31:0] IP_Table1[63:0];
rand bit[31:0] IP_Table2[63:0];
rand bit[31:0] Tx_IP_addresses[WIDTH-1:0];
rand protected bit _dummy_array[WIDTH-1:0];
constraint c_0 {_dummy_array.sum(item) with (int'(item == 1)) == WIDTH*8/10;} //WIDTH*0.8 = 80%
constraint c_1 {
foreach(_dummy_array[i]) {
(_dummy_array[i] == 1) -> Tx_IP_addresses[i] inside {IP_Table1, IP_Table2};
constraint c_2 {
solve IP_Table1 before Tx_IP_addresses;
solve IP_Table2 before Tx_IP_addresses;
solve _dummy_array before IP_Table1;
solve _dummy_array before IP_Table2;
solve _dummy_array before Tx_IP_addresses;
virtual function void print();
$display("_dummy_array.sum()=%2d", _dummy_array.sum(item) with (int'(item == 1)));
foreach(_dummy_array[i]) begin
string aux = "";
foreach(IP_Table1[j]) begin
if(IP_Table1[j] == Tx_IP_addresses[i]) begin
aux = "IP_Table1"; break;
foreach(IP_Table2[j]) begin
if(IP_Table2[j] == Tx_IP_addresses[i]) begin
aux = "IP_Table2"; break;
$display("_dummy_array =%2d | %9s | Tx_IP_addresses =%11d", _dummy_array[i], aux, Tx_IP_addresses[i]);
endfunction : print
module top();
C#(.WIDTH(200)) c;
initial begin
c = new;
endmodule : top