I am trying to test a block that has its AXI-Stream output connected to an interface and I am trying to dump the stream to a file. I am getting this issue where certain data words are getting written to the file twice and I cannot figure out why, maybe the SV code (below) I wrote isn’t quite correct? I feel like the actual RTL module is working correctly based on the waveform, but I am open to any suggestions.
// Toggle the TREADY signal at random intervals to simulate back pressure:
forever @(posedge vntsc_resampler_if.clk) begin
if (enable_random_delays == 1) begin
random_interval = $urandom_range(0,5000); // number of clock cycles between forcing tready low
random_delay = $urandom_range(0,200); // number of clock cycles to force tready low for
vntsc_resampler_if.tready = 0;
vntsc_resampler_if.tready = 1;
// Write the output stream to a file:
forever @(posedge vntsc_resampler_if.clk) begin
if(vntsc_resampler_if.tvalid == 1'b1 && vntsc_resampler_if.tready == 1'b1 && pixel_count < i_frame_width*i_frame_height) begin
$fwrite(output_file_handler, "%u", vntsc_resampler_if.tdata[31:0]);
if(pixel_count == i_frame_width*i_frame_height) begin
$display("[%0t]: Writting AXIS stream to file complete", $time);
In the first forever block, I am randomly toggling the tready signal to simulate backpressure, and in the second forever block I am writing the output to a file. In this screenshot, you can see the data word 0x00510000 gets written to the file twice, but looking at the waveform, I it does not look like it should be written twice. Can anyone provide some advice?