Hello VA,
Looking to hear from your experience and wisdom, did you ever had to override using the Factory a uvm_reg/uvm_field?
Ready to hear all the interesting cases?
Just wondering, if I have shadow registers how would you suggest implement it?
In reply to Michael54:
I have one piece of feedback on your first question.
There is overhead in registering a class with the factory, even if you never use the factory to create it. A large register model could bog down your simulation (compilation, startup and debugging).
In reply to dave_59:
Thanks Dave,
Exactly what I was thinking.
That there is no point in registering uvm_reg/uvm_fields into the factory.
Had a conversation with someone from my work on this matter.
He claims it is important to register it into the factory and should not be avoided.
And if not to register, he suggests to implement my own factory structure with similar syntax to the type_if::create…
In order to leave future ability to do overrides.
Must say I could not think on any reason that we would like to override register using factory. Even not for modeling shadow registers…