Has anyone implemented a Write 1 only self-clearing policy for a uvm_reg_field?


I am trying to implement a policy for W10, but in our case the bit is supposed to self-clear. I am using W1S currently but since that remains set , it does not update for a consequent write? any ideas?

Have you tried ”W1C”?

”W1C” W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect

If that doesn’t give you what you’re looking for then a user-defined access policy is needed. There are many ways to implement that I will quote one from this great paper Advanced UVM Register Modeling
which is based on using post_write hook. If you’re curious to know other ways, I recommend reading the paper. It provides very good possible solutions to common problems in UVM register modelling

class wres_reg_field extends uvm_reg_field;


  local static bit m_wres = define_access("WRES");
  function new(string name = "wres_reg_field"); ...
  virtual task post_write(uvm_reg_item rw);
    // set the mirror to reset value after a write
    if (!predict(rw.get_reset())) `uvm_error(...) 


class wres_reg extends uvm_reg;
  rand wres_reg_field wres_field; // special field

  function new(string name="wres_reg"); ...
  virtual function void build();
    wres_field = wres_reg_field::type_id::create("wres_field");

class my_reg_block extends uvm_reg_block;
  virtual function void build();
  wres_reg = wres_reg::type_id::create("wres_reg");
  wres_reg.configure(this, null, "wres_reg");
  default_map.add_reg(wres_reg, 'h24, "RW");


Hope that helps :)

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Cool thanks will take a look. I tried W1C but was not seeing it set to 1 because of it being cleared I guess. not what I wanted.