I am creating a functional coverage model. I am binding my coverage model with the design using the “bind” statement.
I need to access some internal signals of a design instance inside the top level design module for using in my functional coverage model. However I get an error. Below is what I am trying =>
In the RTL design module “dut_berc”, there is a instance “dut_berc_cmd”. I need to access the signal “pct_err_status_vec” in this “dut_berc_cmd” module.
So in design =>
module dut_berc #(....)
(clk, reset, ....
dut_berc_cmd #(...) u_dut_berc_cmd (..);
module dut_berc_cmd #(....)
logic [PCT_DEPTH-1:0] pct_err_status_vec; <----- This is the signal I need to sample inside my functional coverage model
In the top level TB file, the bind happens =>
bind dut_berc
dut_cov_berc #()
In “dut_cov_berc” =>
module dut_cov_berc #(...)
input [PCT_DEPTH-1:0] u_dut_berc_cmd.pct_err_status_vec,
However I get the following error when I try this =>
** Error: /view/…/src/dut_cov_berc.sv(36): near “.”: syntax error, unexpected ‘.’, expecting ‘)’
I tried directly accessing the signal in my functional coverage module but it gave an error that it is unable to find this signal.
Please let me known what is the correct way to access design signals present in a hierarcy in the functional coverage model?