I need some help with assertions.
I have a fairly simple assertion for a FIFO module:
If FIFO is full and an attempt to write is made (but not read), write pointer does not change.
property fifofull;
@(posedge clk) disable iff(reset)
fifo_full && wr_en && !rd_en |=> $stable(fifo_wr_ptr) ;
fifofull_assert: assert property(fifofull) else
$display("fifofull assertion failed");
The assertion failure message is where the red arrow is shown on the waves. When signals wr_en and fifo_full transition from 1 to 0, fifo_wr_ptr changes from 11 to 12 and assertion fires and fails.
I don’t see an actual issue with the DUT here; so how do I avoid the assertion failure here?
Thanks in advance.