I know in UVM I should use interface to pass values to dut but I am doing very small test and I need to directly drive signals of DUT. I see effect of first two force statements but in the third force statement which is inside loop it gives this error. How can I solve this kind of error?
class test_1 extends base_test;
int i;
task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
force `Path_to_Block.dut_signal_mode_1 = 1'b1;
force `Path_to_Block.dut_signal_mode_1 = 1'b0;
for(i = 0; i < 36; i=i+1) begin
force `Path_to_Block.packet_data_in = (1'b1 << i);
endtask : run_phase
endclass : test_1
In reply to vickydhudashia92:
The signals involved in a force statement must be wires or static variables. Change to
static int i;
and I would change i to something more unique so it is only used for that purpose, like shift_left.
In reply to dave_59:
Thank you dave. That worked.
In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave,
I got a similar problems with force statement.
I have an array in the DUT which is declared as follow
module mem_model;
reg [255:0] mem [0:2047];
And in a certain test sequence, I need to force that mem[2048] array one at a time, so I did the following in my test
class my_uvm_sequence extends my_uvm_sequence_base;
static int mem_index=0;
task body();
force `MY_DUT_PATH.mem_model.mem[mem_index][1:0]=2'b00;
However I got the following compilation error from my simulator (VCS 2017)
Error-[SV-FNYI] Feature not yet implemented
SystemVerilog feature not yet implemented. Assign/deassign/force/release on
a static class member. Expression: this.mem_index
I wonder I got this error is simply because my vendor is out-of-date or the way I am forcing is incorrect by itself?
If my force statement is incorrect, I wonder is there a neat way to force an array element one at time instead of unrolling the loop and write the force statement manully for 2k times?
Thanks in advance for your help!
In reply to peterjin:
Cannot help you with an unsupported error, but your code would not work they way you want to anyways. A force sets up a continuous assignment from RHS to LHS, and the LHS cannot contain non-constant part selects. The LRM does not allow part selects to variables, But most tools allow it. Also, if you put this class in a package, you are not allowed to have hierarchical references to your DUT.
What I suggest you do is put the force into an interface that you bind inside your module mem_model. Then you can use a generate-for loop to create individual force statements.
interface insert_force;
bit enable;
for (genvar index=0;index<2048;index++)
always @(enable)
if (enable)
force mem[index][1:0] = 0;
release mem[index][1:0];