In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave,
I got a similar problems with force statement.
I have an array in the DUT which is declared as follow
module mem_model;
reg [255:0] mem [0:2047];
And in a certain test sequence, I need to force that mem[2048] array one at a time, so I did the following in my test
class my_uvm_sequence extends my_uvm_sequence_base;
static int mem_index=0;
task body();
force `MY_DUT_PATH.mem_model.mem[mem_index][1:0]=2'b00;
However I got the following compilation error from my simulator (VCS 2017)
Error-[SV-FNYI] Feature not yet implemented
SystemVerilog feature not yet implemented. Assign/deassign/force/release on
a static class member. Expression: this.mem_index
I wonder I got this error is simply because my vendor is out-of-date or the way I am forcing is incorrect by itself?
If my force statement is incorrect, I wonder is there a neat way to force an array element one at time instead of unrolling the loop and write the force statement manully for 2k times?
Thanks in advance for your help!